
Showing posts from September, 2015


The post-modern world has not left anything unquestioned. If there is one thing that has come under the heavy scrutiny of post-modernism that in all probability - not so much the question of God - are matters concerning religious beliefs and doctrines. It seems clearer even to the simple minds that you cannot be the way you were in the past. Everything changes and we are caught unawares most often. We cannot present God the way it was presented to us when we were kids. We are forced not only to change the method of communication – today attention depends on attraction – but also the content of it, if not completely. This is the situation in which we live. I am intrigued by the timeless yearning of the human heart to know the Divine even in the midst increasing material prosperity! Hence, it is needless to discuss whether the study of theology is relevant today. The need is greater than in the past precisely due to the challenges that arise to theologizing. I would give three reason...


1. Life Francesco Forgione who came to be known as Padre Pio was born in May 25, 1887 in Pietrelcina, Italy. His parents, Orazio Forgione and Maria Giuseppa De Nunzio, were poor peasants. From his early years he loved virtue and abhorred all forms of vice. He entered the Novitiate of the Capuchins in 1902 at Morcone. From the time Francesco entered the Novitiate until his death he never enjoyed good health. His life of prayer and penance was interfered with constant fever and attacks from the evil one. He was sent to the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo after his ordination as his ill health demanded such a place. It was on 20 th September 1918 Padre Pio received the five wounds of Christ visibly in his body. For fifty years be bore witness to Christ in his body and breathed his last on September 23, 1968. 2. Content of Padre Pio’s Spiritual Gifts If we could point out one chief purpose of all the spiritual gifts that God in His kindness bestowed on Padre Pio that wou...