Despite the fact that democracy presupposes the idea truth as consensus, it is still the most viable political option available.
When we observe the global scenario today we could hear the cry for democracy in many places especially in the troubled Arab world and at the same time we could sense a popular distrust in democratic governments. At this juncture, we are at the cross-roads of opinions for and against democracy. Abraham Lincoln defines democracy as “rule of the people, for the people and by the people.” Very often democracy is considered to be the golden standard of governance. However, those of us who live in democratic socio-political countries are aware how far it has taken us forward – corruption and violence, to name a few, thrive. Everything is not well with democracy and we could never accept that consensus as truth (It allows special interest groups to gains subsidies and regulations beneficial to them but harmful to the society. Some call it the tyranny of the majority). All the same it is the best viable political option. History – West Ancient...