India is one of the rarest nations
that contain multi-cultural-religious-linguistic communities. Perhaps this is
what makes the world to look up to us for tolerance, peace and religiousness.
Difference has been our strength. This perception of India is changing
alarmingly with the increasing number of human right violations across the
length and breath of this great nation. The danger of fundamentalists flexing
their muscles is more imminent than late or never. There is a severe breach of
law as far as the fundamentals of the Constitutions are concerned. In a secular state such
as ours, it is but a sad happening. It so appears that only in papers we are a
democratic secular state not in reality!
Some of our politicians are
blatantly communal; their hands are full of blood (examples are not wanting.
Just check the profiles of our MPs you will know how many have cases of murder,
rape, corruption, cheating and vandalism). I was disgusted to see chief
ministers (for instance, Karnataka, Gujarat among others) partaking openly in
hate campaigns organized by fundamentalists. Kushwanth Singh in his book The End of India says that only religion
of the fundamentalists is hate. I
agree with him. Fundamentalism will ruin our country as it has done in many
parts of the world. It is diabolical in nature. Apparently these
fundamentalists speak of religio-cultural revival but their motives are deadly
and suicidal to the prosperity and integrity of the nation. We cannot think of operating private armies
in a democratic secular country (RSS and its groups).
The only moral authority of our
nation is its Constitutions and its machinery not some uncouth power-mongers. So
far we have kept our accusing fingers pointed to one community for terrorism,
another for foreign allegiance. It is totally wrong to believe such stereotypes
any longer. Wake up great nation because there is a brand that is made-in-India to destroy it. This new
brand is no less powerful than Taliban or anything that you can think of. There
is a great difference between those Talibans and our new made-in-India brand. Those butchers were denied of education and in
lack of vision they took up grenades but this one has got enlightened leaders
but who unfortunately have only read
some selected parts of world and
Indian history!