The largest democracy in the world is going through
turbulent times which makes one to think whether it has become irrelevant or
marching towards its dead end. The way things unfold to us day in and day out
make us skeptical about the effectiveness of democracy. Be it the acquittal of
the powerful involved in scams, suppression of civil rights movements (NGOs),
hijacking of people’s movements by political parties (Sasi Perumal’s movement
has been taken over by the politicians for scoring political points), lack of
tolerance in the public (recall what happened a couple of days back. A Muslim
suspected of eating beef was lynched by the mob), increasing of political cults
(one only needs to see the way people bow to their leaders!). The political
discourse in India is moving towards the ‘right-wing’ fundamentalism – creating
myths and tearing down the secular fabric of democracy. What has led to the
sudden and violent opposition to civil demands for justice? It is perhaps the
right question worth asking. Those who loot, oppress and divide seem to know
better the effectiveness of democratic process!
Democracy stands tall on the pillar of civil
involvement. If it does not happen it turns out to be ‘mobocracy’ - destroying
the very essence of democratic form of governance. We are not disillusioned
altogether is the consoling thing to note. We have hope that sanity will
prevail! Certain sections of the civil society has come of age to participate
in the democratic progress, to challenge the lies-turning-into-facts. This is
the threat to those who loot, to fanatics and to the propagators of social
injustice. I don’t think there is another viable form of governance to such a
diverse country such as India but what I do know is that only the strengthening
of civil rights movements is the way forward to counter falsification of
history and setting persons against persons. It is the right time to come
together and unite as citizens to challenge all forms of falsity and fanaticism
to ensure growth.