The Economy of Words

A year back for the first time the Autobiography (The Story of my Experiments with Truth) of Mahatma Gandhi rolled into my hands. Something of what he shares in his autobiography certainly remains with me. One such insight is "the Economy of Words." Forgive me for not quoting the exact context in which he speaks. A few days back I happened to be in the company of some good people (every one is good, of course). Part of the conversation turned towards hurts feelings that we carry along. It then struck me most of the times we are hurt by what someone has said than what someone has done. Words can either build us or break us. Speech is a marvelous gift that humanity is given with. 

We all expect or long to hear someone to speak well of us, hardly realizing that everyone longs as we do. Words are powerful, sometimes irrevocable once uttered. The beauty of words is they are free. We are free to use words. Our words can either bring deficit in friendship or boost it. Let us realize the richness of words and use words that can build people than break them down.


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