Beware the Semester is Coming!
What makes me wonder at this statement is its hidden meanings. Is the semester something to be feared? What if I don't score as every one thinks I should? May be it's worth asking what if I score high as every one thinks I should? Does that make a world of difference, my marks, the power of my mind to store more information? I think we are led astray in thinking that all that matters for us students is marks and that alone, by hook or crook we have to get digits that are valued much. Students who get digits that are esteemed are not wanting today. What we lack is commitment and the will to be genuine human persons. Public accountability has become the word of bygone centuries. Morals are thrown to dogs. Addictions, bribes, which is actually robbery, scandals of all kind have become the daily news these days. Every one wishes to get through somehow no matter on whom they trample. The awareness of we taking the exams is not something like the awareness of frightful looking dogs, hungry to have a bite. It is one of the many tests of life to lead us towards an authentic human living. As we students let us look forward for the tests of life with the thought that life shapes though many tests rather than with a feeling of contempt.