Creative Pain

Pain is not wanting in life. Naturally we have aversion towards pain and attracted towards things that are pleasurable. However pain is indispensable whether or not we will it or not. Reflecting on Lent I think pain can be creative. Our blessed Lord came to this earth to save us from sin and restore our relationship with God the Father. For this the price He paid was pain, physical and mental torture by men and women whose sin blinded them to commit the most horrible act ever recorded in the history of humankind. By His death we are restored and by precious blood our iniquities are washed away. In short the pain we went through created in us life and love. 

We, Christians, resolve to do or not to do a list of things during this season of Lent but hardly we think of accepting all the hardships and struggles come on our way. There is a great stress on revenge and violence in our times than in the way of the cross, to suffer for my neighbour, to accept him or her as he or she is. As the  pain of a woman in labour brings new life to this earth, the pain that we endure in our struggle for justice and equality, in our attempts to bring peace and harmoney creates a world where it is easier to love. The present world is in need of love and moral direction than nuclear warheads and divisions. As we journey with our saviour in contemplating on His sufferings  for us let us accept our daily struggles and pray to Him that our struggles may not go waste but sow the tiny seeds of kingdom of God. 


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