The Ungiven is Ever Lost

One of the things that keeps ringing in my mind is a statement that I heard somewhere, "Never do a thing for which you will regret later." Many a times life does not go the way we think it should. It takes different routes, unfamiliar and frightening at times. In the course of life journey, we are called,  I believe, to give out whatever we can to those around. Giving out is not necessarily material things; it could be a kind word, a gentle touch or a pleasant smile. What happens, by and large, is that we withhold than stretch out our hands. It seems to me as an obvious truth in life that whatever is ungiven is ever lost. Every day  as  I go to bed, I am deeply aware that I am far from perfection and I haven't tolerated the little imperfections in people around me. What comes across to me in these moments of such realizations, is what Heidegger said that "birth is accompanied by death." We are mortals and our days are numbered is such a profound realization that one can make a man more human and give out his best in spite of all the adversities that surround him. One of the basic needs - I dare say that the most basic need of all human beings - is love. No matter how well off or ill off, talented or untalented, high positions or not, we can all love people profoundly. Our love can be a stimulus for people to flower as wonderful persons. To love people we need no approval of anyone. "God so loved the World that He sent His only Son into this world so that people may have life and life in abundance." We are the instruments that God wishes to use to manifest His love in this world. Let us love and we will be loved all the more. When love is ungiven and withheld, it will be ever lost because, we know not the day or the hour when we will be taken away.


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