Whatever Happened to Patience?

It has been long since I ever attempted to blog anything. Among the few things I wish to share 'patience' tops the list. I wonder 'whatever happened to patience?' It's still fresh in mind that my late grandfather advising us kids to be patient in deciding anything, to listen to people and to slow to answer back or answer. Sometimes I wonder whether what my grandfather advised holds water today. May be not ? I don't think so still. He might not have been learned like any of his grandsons at home but he had wisdom which comes from experience. I remember somebody telling me once 'hurry leads to worry.' And on a particular occasion someone reminded me of the proverb "Marry in haste; repent at leisure." I believe most of our troubles are due to thoughtlessness or impatience. The world and more especially the young are impatient to the maximum. The world is always in search of some 'quick fix'. We know anything that has not been thought about enough leads us into complications we never thought of.  It kills our physic, relationships and peace. It is one of the causes of all neurosis and psychosis today. People want to go top too fast and don't know what to do once they think they reached the summit. They end up miserably. It's happening. We have lost the art of listening, taking time to consider and give our opinion. Another culture that's creeping in due to lack of patience is the 'I-Know' culture. There are people, invariably in every walk of life - may be in all places too - who cannot but to claim to be knowing everything, be it science, religion or whatever. To admit that they don't know something is something that will make them small. This sort behaviour is found much among the elders than the young people. This too doesn't help. If I may single out one reason for the 'demise' of the once acclaimed virtue patience, I would say that's due to the insecurity and uncertainty that we are surrounded with. Man is simply restless because he is simply 'insecure', he sees everyone as his hell; and he doesn't know to face the 'uncertainty' that surrounds him all the time.


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