Clean Mind Drive!

Prime Minister Modi's recent initiative 'Clean India' or Swachh Bharat found takers even among his rivals and critics. While we join our national leaders in emphasizing the need to create 'Swachh Bharat,' I think there is also a pressing need to kick start a Clean Mind drive. What do we mean by clean mind drive? As garbage thrown out poses a great challenge to us, the unwanted things taken in pose a challenge - the individual concerned and to the society at large - worth considering. In the wake of fanaticism, violence, individualism it is worth a discussion. 

Even as one travels one can notice bill boards, magazines which have little or nothing to do with enhancing the lives of people. Often times one comes across more slander and gossip than anything of value. This is what we call it as 'the garbage of the mind.' More and more this is getting accumulated in the mind than anything of value. Who are the takers of these? Mostly the young people. It harms them personally and they harm the society at last. This is the right time to initiate the clean mind drive especially among the young. We need to equip our youngsters with the critical attitude rather than taking in all that is thrown out in the streets.


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