Some Stray Thoughts…

Sometimes these things keep coming to my mind! Perhaps, this is the sign that I am not dead still alive and can think too!

If God doesn’t give it upon me, why should I? All that I need is God. If God alone becomes the point of reference everything else becomes light and easy. How foolish to run from pillar to post trying to reform oneself. It doesn’t work. When the greatest is within He takes care of everything.

The strength of one’s character is manifested in the forcefulness of words. Where there is no character there could be sophistry but not force. Character, I believe, is the result of habits – virtues in the Aristotlenian language. Habits either form or break us.

Although I am a Christian I do not let it affect my daily life.

Leadership is a vocation. It has to be so. Otherwise, it is an occasion to usurp power.

No one in his right mind would like to embark on a journey without a destination in mind. We know how we would call the person if there is one. We do not remember any vague events and call it to be important. 


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