Body Shaming, a Culture in the Upswing!

As times change so too the problems! The digital era has its own peculiar issues to deal with. One such is the prevalence of 'body shaming' without a prick of conscience. A couple of days back I was shocked to hear an actor with political allegiance or better with a change of political allegiance mocking the differently-abled to score some political points against his opponents. This takes place everywhere and it has become the tool in the hands of a few whom 'evolution or better sense is yet to take hold of.' 

The advent of Internet brought forth immense possibilities to interact with people, to share views and to be enriched at all levels. While body shaming has been in practice from time immemorial in many ways -  think of the way the Africans were treated in the past; they were considered not to possess 'souls' - it has grown leaps and bounds in the technocratic world. Monica Lewinsky who was a victim of online humiliation after the Clinton affair came to light remarks that 'the shame sticks to like tar.' We are aware of many such incidents taking place in our society too. 

What is all the more appalling is the silence of the society. We remain meek-spectators of such instances or we ourselves in some way manifest such sickening tendencies. It will be interesting to note the symmetry between the promotion of such attitudes and the acceptable 'life-style' of people today. It is an utopia to believe that the world is going to be even, 'conscience-guided' people will be everywhere or people will honour for what we are than how we look. This is not going to happen for sure, at least not so in the near future. As the world becomes more and more virtual, there will always be some virtual stone-throwers! Body-shaming, I consider, will take proportions that we never thought it would. 

I believe that accepting oneself, one's body is the key to overcome body-shaming. It is not that easy. I took a lot of time to get rid off from my mind the way someone mimicked me in my formative years. Though I hated his way of imitating me, I internalized his depiction of me! There was anger welling up so too non-acceptance of my body. It is interesting how even those of us who claim to be well-motivated and religiously-oriented can suffer these! Fortunately, my take on my body is something different! 

Our body is our body and it is as good as any body! I do not need to be you and you need not be me. We are different bodies yet human. Another phenomenon is equally true! It is not only those who are affected by the 'body-shaming'  in need of treatment, the perpetrators as well! They too are psychologically sick! I wish we remember one of the dreams of Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but the content of their character." God said to prophet Samuel "For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord at the heart." May our parameters of judging be beyond the colour of the skin, the shape of the physic and the appeal it has to the eyes! 


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