Are We Ready to Live a Lie?

Vaclav Havel, the former President of Czech Republic, in his book Power of the Powerless highlights the importance of dissidence in a society. If a society progresses it is because of those who dissent not because of those conform. Conformists abound everywhere because it is easy to be so. To dissent is to risk oneself for the sake the society. These days there is a group in this country which is busy issuing 'anti-Indian' certificate. Anybody who stands up to the ruling dispensation(s) - in some places there is their proxy rule as well - are handed this certificate. Many wish to get a good certificate from them because it means their existence is not under threat. What if a society itself dissents? Then the whole society becomes anti-national, anti-development and anti-blah, blah, blah. They sell lies and the buyers are a few. They say cows are holier than humans; an eight year old girl can be torn apart; killing an intellectual for allegedly hurting your religious sentiments is the right thing; shooting those who elected you is the right payment; looting the money of the poor is 'dharma'; to destroy the mother earth to fill their pockets is the development and the list is endless. Blatant lies propagated by pathological liers. Lies are their capital and anyone who speaks the truth has no place. One of the best novels that I read so far is The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini. I remember a saying: “There is only one sin. and that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someones right to the truth.” When rulers lie they steal our right to truth of the reality. Unfortunately, we are to be blamed because we have chosen thieves and murderers as leaders! As India shining bubble burst into thin air, vikas bubble will disappear too. For this to happen we need to dissent more than ever, seek truth, choose live truth not a lie!


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