
If there is anything that leaves us with much thought when thinking about the life our Blessed Lord that is the betrayal of Him. Betrayal is nothing but a breach of trust.  We cannot complain saying that someone we have never known over the years betrayed us. Betrayal is hard because one who has known and shared our life alone can betray us. When being betrayed we feel as if a part of ourselves that was extended in friendship and brotherhood being lost. It takes courage to forgive someone who breached our trust and carry on as if nothing had happened. A betrayer is not easily identifiable by others; the traitor and the victim alone are aware of the happenings. He or she is understood by others as one who does good for others. That was the understanding of the apostles when Judas Iscariot went out on the night of our Lord's supper. The end of a traitor is drastic. He dies in guilt.


aneeshsdb said…
Good one.... nice expression.. only the traitor and the victim know what is happening....for the ordinary people like us we may not know the intention with which the traitor moves... but in the case of the Lord He knew....
debater said…
Confrere thanks for your comment. True our Lord knew the traitor but in our case it is different. Perhaps I didn't think of it. Thanks for reading.

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