Love without God is Impossible!

Ever since the introduction of socialism many churchmen and women have championed the cause of the poor and the oppressed. It is very true especially in the Latin American countries. Many of the paid a high price for their stance fearlessly. In the 1960s many claimed to be the voice of the voiceless poor the third world countries. One such a person was Rev. Jim Jones. Born in Lynn, Indiana, in 1931, he became widely known for his zest for preaching and his loving kindness towards all, especially the poor and oppressed. He founded the people’s Temple and had followers across the States. He was appreciated for his efforts to bring about peace, equality and harmony. However, his followers and statesmen failed to notice a blood-thirsty, sadistic monster in him. He misappropriated the funds received and built a ‘Jonestown’ in the jungles of Guyana. A thousand devoted men and women followed him to Jonestown in 1977. For sometime nothing was heard about those in Jonestown and people in the United States began to sense something fishy about Pastor Jim Jones. Congressman Leo Ryan flew down to Jonestown and learnt about the insane treatment meted out to the worshipers of People Temple by Jones. Leo Ryan’s effort to rescue the people of Jonestown was thwarted by the wolf in shepherd’s clothing; and all of them were served poison and killed. Jones, at the end of all, committed suicide. The congressman Leo before dying said: “Jim Jones talks a lot about love, brotherhood and his faith and the power of religion. But never once did I hear him mention God.”
There is obviously a fundamental difference between a socialist and a clergy man or woman who champions the cause of the marginalized. A clergy man or woman is different from others in his works because he or she is motivated by the love of God. As St. Paul says: “The Love of God urges” us on nothing else. God is love and devoid of God there only manipulation and sadism not true love.


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