Google and our God-men

Technology, for certain is a god-sent gift to the human world. It has made our lives easier to live and communicate. It would be truly difficult, impossible for many even, to think of a world devoid of modern technology. Technology, particularly communication technology has revolutionized the world. God-men of all religions are becoming increasing open to the virtual world. The Catholic Church is not an exception to it. However something needs to be set aright in our being in the virtual world. It seems to me that most of our church sermons are information Googled. It is imaginable that humans will not think in some years from now. Everything will be done by a thinking machine. Though technology such as Google search engine is a valuable help in coming to know different things what is posted in a website cannot be just read out in our churches. Preaching is not to give information but for transformation of lives. Transformation comes when we proclaim God with conviction than with Googled information. God bless our God-men to reflect and be open to His promptings!


aneeshsdb said…
Hi! hero... again a good piece of reflection.... How true it is that our God-men do not think anymore!! They (except few) are informative oriented..... What a tragedy for the those who do not listen to the promptings of the Spirit through the Word of God. How truly Jesus told... They have eyes, they do not see, they have ears but do not hear.... They only just google... and then their sermon is ready.... What fazard we put up.....they do not hear the subtle groans of their own hearts and of the flock they administer too... Has being virtual become a virtue or a real vice? Wise men become pestilently vice... what a horrendous and ingenuine existence......May God hear our cry!!
debater said…
First of all thanks for your comment confrere.
I am just fascinated by the metaphor "double-edged sword." The word of God when proclaimed is the double-edged sword. What we see around us must teach us all a powerful lesson for the future.

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