The Personal is Political

Meena Kandasamy in an article to Time (titled the Fallen Angel) tells the tale of of Kanimozhi, one of the accused in the infamous 2G Spectrum case. Something got my immediate attention when I was reading through her article.She tells how the DMK Patriarch M. K. had double standard of dealing. This much revered leader of Tamils once upon a time considered the people, the Tamils, entirely different from his own children. When bombs were raining in Vanni this leader had set a stage with air-conditioner to lay down and occasionally make a political rhetoric. All that he did was to fill a few pages with his eloquent poetical language for the suffering Tamils in the Island nation.
But when his daughter was jailed for swindling the public money, misusing the trust of the people he did pay occasional visits to her in Delhi, pleaded for her in the highest of the places. Worse thing happened when the tainted M.P. was released on bail. She had a grand welcome in the home state. Definitely all these need to pondered over. Meena Kandasamy is quite right when she wrote: "The Personal is Political."


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