Celebrating Immorality: Is Indian Democracy on a Headlong Collision Mode?

Recently I quit Facebook for a simple reason that it keeps you anxious all the time bombarding you with problems one after another. It robs your peace, doesn't provide the space to reflect on any single issue. If you are an Indian you can find that media is celebrating the immorality of politicians who usurp power somewhere all the time in the country or those crying foul over their opponents. I happen to watch news just now and the first thing that is flashed across the Indian news channels is the formation of government in an Indian state where president's rule was revoked early this morning to pave way for a party with the support of another party - whose leader himself does not know about the intentions of his party MLA, needless to say normally in India such a person is a kith and kin of the party leaders themselves. 

Mahatma Gandhi gives the list of seven deadly sins. The seventh one is 'politics without principle'. There isn't any principle for politicians especially, in India, when it comes to grabbing power. The gnawing hunger for power is ruining India. Polarization and pogroms are organized across the subcontinent to celebrate the immorality of politicians who by hook or crook win the elections or if they don't win go on to be in power. 

I am not surprised by the way the things keep unfolding in Indian politics. This is expected in a way. What should worry anyone is the celebration of this immorality by those who hide behind their screens and the simpletons who celebrate it on the streets. When I watched the news online I went to check the comments posted by the viewers, as I normally do. That's pretty insane. There are those who appreciate a politician for doing such tricks all the time in the country! By the way, I don't support those who cry foul because they are also equally guilty of being power hungry. It seems to me that evolution has not caught hold of everyone and pretty soon the democratic ideals that we hold dear will come crushing down because our politicians, with an exception of a few here and there, understand democracy as a means of luring the gullible to side with them for a day. Sometimes I tend to agree with George Bernard Shaw who once said: "Politics is the last resort of the scoundrel." Good to know that none of the turncoats in politics is a clean politician including the ones involved in the current scheme of things. Perhaps, chameleon, known to change into many colours, will be depressed that it's unable to compete with many politicians in India!


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