The Accusing Finger

Khalid Hosseni is such an inspiring author that his novels (The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns) leave us with a lasting impression. When I read the Kite Runner two years back the images kept lingering in my mind for quite some time. A Thousand Spelendid Suns also sheds light into the history of discrimination against women in a war torn extremist country, Afghanistan. The two characters that catch our immediate attention are Mariam and Laila. It is a beautiful story of love, hope, courage and strong will against the many odds of life. One thing that I could learn from the novel is that the accusing finger of a man always finds another. We do not want to take responsibility for what we are and do. We keep passing the bug. Mariam remembers her mother, a victim of circumstances and men like herself, who once said "Like the needle of the compass that always points to the north an accusing finger of a man finds a woman." This is quite true we have somebody to scapegoat all the time. 


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