The five people you meet in heaven

A few days back I picked up Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The novel is about Eddie who dies all of a sudden in an unexpected way while attempting to save a young girl. After his death he goes to heaven and there he meets five people who were part of his life on earth. The first person Eddie meets is someone who had saved Eddie when he was small. He introduces himself as a Blue Man. He lost his life while saving the young Eddie. The second person Eddie meets is his army captain who shot on his leg. The third one is Ruby Pier in whose park he worked all his life. The fourth person is his wife. Someone was the reason for his happiness on earth. The fifth one is a small little girl Eddie set fire on unknowingly in a combat zone in Philippians.
The novel has got five insights to offer:
1. Someone sacrificed his life for you so that you may live long.
2. Someone hurt you and that was for your good.
3. Someone was the reason behind your success in your life even though you may not know the person.
4. Someone was rude to you for a reason you did not know.
5. Someone you hurt unknowingly but you need to forgive.

The novel is simple to read and Albom keeps us finger crossed throughout the novel. If ever you wish someone tell you that everything has a purpose and even the worst of circumstances turn out to be our blessings then you should read this novel.


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