It is so saddening to see us all living with illusory hopes even in the age of reason and scientific advancements. Given the present scenario in Indian politics no state can boast of having as many as film stars and their affiliates in politics than Tamil Nadu. I am puzzled whether it is a credit or a lack of common sense on the part of the voters. They ride on politics in the same way, they once rode on the success of their films (some of them still act, direct and write scripts). I am not averse to any of them but only question the lack of our common sense. As we live in the age of reason and science we must move from move from the world of illusion to reality around. What do these know of reality, save alone some hours of casting in a particular role? It has cost us much without real changes in the state. Every body speaks but when it comes to action the personal becomes the political. Ideals are high yet actions to achieve them are really scarce. Tamil Nadu may be the only state in India which still believes in its film stars to provide them rice to save their fellow Tamils from the tyranny of the Sri Lankan government. What actually happens is one gets to power to undo what was previously done and do more damages than the earlier government. Many proudly acclaim that the state is moving towards the third alternative. What is this third political alternative? The third alternative is nothing but another tangible presence of illusion. It is a high time for the educated and enlightened young generation to change the face of the state. It is possible only through education. Certainly media has its fair share to contribute. The growing discontent of the masses cannot be contained by occasionally resorting to populist rhetoric of freebies. 


marreddy said…
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marreddy said…
i am really proud too see u thomas writing such a nice article. your article hold water because there is a lot of truth in what you have said. all the best and countinue to enlighten the minds of the young...
all the best
debater said…
Thanks Marreddy for reading the stuff. It is nice to hear from you.

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