It all Starts with God
The first title of the exercise is it all starts with God. Modern world is rather too focused on the individual self. It has lost the sense of the divine as a consequence. The results of considering the individual self as the agent of happiness are too obvious. Unfortunately, the results are often undesirable than positive. Perfectionism is one of the results of focusing too much on oneself. This happens to us, religious! Perfectionism is nothing but slow death!
Warren says, "The meaning of life is not found looking at yourself. Because you didn't create yourself. Begin with God." It is turning to Him, the source of our being we begin to find the purpose of our existence. Let us turn to Him then as we meditate on the passion of the Lord during the season of Lent. Let us begin with Him because, "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are," Romans 3: 20.