What Drives Your Life?

The season of Lent is obviously an opportune time to reflect on the way we live, the motive behind all that we do. I suppose there is something that drives us to do all that we do and be the way we are. Depending on what drives us we either flourish or don't. 
Most often - on close self-examination at least I find - we are driven by fear of what others say or feel about us. While it is good to be concerned about the feelings of others, it isn't right to completely subscribe to all that people say and make it our motive for doing or not doing what is good. Life must have a purpose and we need to live for that purpose consciously. Jesus is the best example for this. His disciples were not quite happy when he decided to suffer and die. Peter rebuked Him in fact. But Jesus went ahead keeping the purpose of life in mind. 
There could only be one driving force in our lives i.e., the 'love of Christ' as St. Paul candidly puts it. "For the love of Christ urges..," 2 Cor. 5:14. Let the love of Christ be our driving force to do good and be good now and always.


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