"No Man Has Ever Spoken Like this Man!" Jn. 7:46

We hear and read the word of God very many times but sometimes quite unexpectedly something strikes. In today's gospel the soldiers respond to those who sent them to arrest Jesus, "No man has ever spoken like this man," Jn. 7:46. 
It is interesting to note that it is not always the learned who are touched by the Lord rather the ones who acknowledge the sinfulness and let the Lord speak to them. The gospel speaks to directly to those of us who claim to be possessing knowledge of religion. I am reminded of the three surprises Bp. Fulton J. Sheen speaks about. He says when we reach heaven that we may meet people whom we never imagined them to be there. That's the first surprise! The second surprise is that we may not meet those whom we expected to meet! The third is that we have reached heaven! 
Indeed no one has ever spoken like Jesus! Let us say like the prophet, 'speak Lord, your servant is listening.'


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