Life is not a Popularity Contest

For us who live in these modern times the word contest is not a strange word. We see it in our televisions, in our net working sites, in the newspapers, in life too. Contest is formally defined as a competition between individuals or groups with the aim of proving one's ability, nobility and superiority. What leaves me baffled is that many of us, teens and adults, think life in terms of a contest, to be precise as a popularity contest. 

Popularity as we know refers to being known and accepted widely. We are in a contest to become popular without ever giving a single thought to significance our life should make to the world. Life for me can never be a popularity contest and I hope many will agree with me. We are here for a reason no matter whether or not we are noticed or looked upon or admired we must carry out those which we think good, noble and spiritual. May be life has many things in store to teach me regarding this but what I am right now convinced is that we can never be ourselves in looking for recognition and popularity. It is a sickness that obsessing many of us. For instance, do you think you know everybody who is in your social networking site? I am not telling you to abandon social net working, even this is social networking. What  I am asking is that why are we at times so obsessed with finding as many people as possible, often keeping our criterion of friendships to mere looks, while so much to be done and thought about. Believe me my friends true happiness comes from listening to the inner voice that is so constant and yet feeble that being popular. Popularity is a curtain that we prefer instead of facing life. I think that is what the present so called celebrities teach us. I wonder how can a person be happy after defying a deaf ear to morality and values. Following them we reach nowhere. We are called for greater things; life a vocation, discern it.


aneeshsdb said…
Truly a great post......
What came to my mind while reading your post is this--- we put up many faceless faces (non-substantial faces)masked and soaked in the non-essentials....

WE worship a MYSTERY and attempt to understand that MYSTERY, And this MYSTERY reveals FACES. Our discernment should be to discern daily the many-faced faces of the Only Necessary (God).

U have great convictions... i appreciate it... Don't allow these kinds of reflections without it being jotted down....The whole instance of 'incarnation' becomes alive when we give skin to God...through the daily expression to the manifestation of the Real through writing and reflection... good keep it up...

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