Love Was Blind and I Did See it Once

Was I dreaming? It was far from a wild dream I could have had on my nice bed. The stench of the place added to it the foul words made me only blink now and then in a desperate attempt to feel one with those of my friends for whom - if I have say as they would describe it - the fate had little concern. A few days back while being with the delinquents I happened to see one of the rare incidents that one sees that a kind-hearted director thought of showing in his movie. Someone against whom a dozen cases are bending in the courts had a special visitor. That was his lover. She was modestly dressed. She came on her new Scooty. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everyone told me that the girl was his lover. She fell in love with the so called "criminal" or whatever the society would call him, when he was roaming about the city. Believe it or not it took some time for me to understand the significance of what we all heard from somebody or other that love is blind, because it does not see the wrongs. I tell you that day love was blind and I did see it. I remember what I  read from Dominique Lapierre wonderful novel "The City of Joy." Stephen Kovaszhi tells the young American doctor Max Loeb who comes to assist the people of the City of Joy that "Love fills all that lacks." Yes does fill the vacuums that we experience. 


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