We Do not Need a Super Structure above the Parliment

Not even a threat of nuclear war between India and Pakistan at the wake of Mumbai terror attacks produced such an upheaval in Indian politics like the one anti-corruption movement is producing now. I believe people have awaken from their slumber and ready for a revolution. However like in all revolutions I fear we will make the same mistake of attacking a particular structure without addressing the core of the problem. The problem is the epidemic of corruption not democracy or parliamentary system. No doubt it is a noble thing to fight for a cause but that does not dismiss anyone from distancing oneself from common sense and basic principles of democracy. 

It seems to me that India Against Corruption Movement itself needs a purification. The earlier intentions were too good and a common man had difficulty in embracing it. Now it appears as if the few who constantly shout slogans in this movement are the saviours of the country and immaculate in their dealings (while they themselves have contradicted their stance by inflating the bills, transferring the public money to private trust). I believe that we don't need a super structure above the parliament. Parliament is the highest authority in a democracy. What assurance do we have that these anti-corruption crusaders will be immaculate and corruptness in their dealings once they get into power? There is no assurance. We need to respect democracy. In our resoluteness to fight against corruption we should not give way to anarchy. We are free to criticize in a democracy. We  must also know that no one is above criticism. The father of our nation is a great example for humility and self-criticism. Those call themselves Gandhians must do likewise.


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